Short Courses

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As pollinators, bees play a role in every aspect of the ecosystem.

They support the growth of trees and other plants, which absorb carbon from the atmosphere and serve as food and shelter for creatures large and small. Bees contribute to complex, interconnected ecosystems that allow a diverse number of different species to co-exist.

Honeybees are responsible for pollinating agricultural crops that make up one-third of our diet, including fruits and vegetables.

Find our more about beekeeping as a career here.

2 day course at Levels 2
View pricing & NCEA Standards →

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Wai Fencing

Kiwis value being able to swim, fish and gather mahingi kai from our rivers and wetlands across the country. For Maori, water is taonga – a treasure.

Excluding livestock from waterways through fencing and tree planting are two of the most important tools to help restore our waterways.

3 day course at Levels 2 & 3
View pricing & NCEA Standards →

What I have learnt from all of this is learning how to work as a community and seeing what we can accomplish together, not just seeing what I can do but seeing what I can get others to do and creating awareness.
— Gabbie (Year 13 at Saint Catherines)

Predator Control

To achieve New Zealand's predator free aspirations by 2050 we must enlist a team of 5 million New Zealanders to succeed.

Protecting our unique biodiversity and empowering young people to contribute to future generations is the aim of this course. The predator control course teaches the techniques to track, monitor and control vertebrate predators.

2 day course at Levels 2 & 3
View pricing & NCEA Standards →



Plant Pest Control

There are 235 native species of plants under threat in Aotearoa; 118 of these are Nationally Critically threatened.

Many exotic pest plants are outcompeting both native and commercially important taonga species. The plant pest course helps ākonga learn the skills to control and reduce the spread of highly damaging pest plants in Aotearoa New Zealand.

2 day course at Levels 2
View pricing & NCEA Standards →

Plant Powered Restoration

"There is a magic machine that sucks carbon out of the air, costs very little, and builds itself. It's called a tree," George Monboit

In this course, ākonga will develop and engage in a restoration plan. This will set ākonga up to work in the emerging industries of carbon and regenerative forestry.

2 day course at Level 2
View pricing & NCEA Standards →